
Lexicalized Concepts from the Perspectives of Meaning Eliminativism and Dynamic Conventionalism: An Austinian Account of Conceptual Change and Amelioration
Investigator: Maciej Witek , Co-investigator: Artur Kosecki , Grant: National Science Centre, Poland, OPUS Program, Grant No. 2024/53/B/HS1/00590
The project aims to develop an Austinian model of lexicalized concepts and employ it in exploring how concepts are used, their evolution over time, and the methods by which they can be refined and improved. To learn more about the project and its objectives, please visit the project website.
Beyond illocution and perlocution. Accommodation, etiolation, and self-expression in covert speech actions
Investigator: Maciej Witek , Grant: Bekker Grant No. BPN/BEK/2022/1/00199 from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Maciej Witek carried out this project at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, where he served as an Academic Visitor from 1st October 2023 till 31st July 2024. During this period, he was also a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall College. Maciej presented partial results of his project in the form of seminar and workshop presentations, one research paper, work-in-progress drafts, and a book proposal submitted to the Cambridge University Press. To learn more about the project and its objectives, please visit the project website.
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The “second brain” in the context of embodied cognition
Investigator: Małgorzata Wrzosek , Grant: MINIATURA 6 grant, National Science Centre, Poland
Embodied cognition rejects the notion that perceptual processes are calculations performed by a disembodied agent and is considered by some researchers as the next step in the evolution of the cognitive science. Cognition turns out to be dependent on the physical body of the cognitive agent constantly interacting with his world. The new proposal focuses on the next level of analysis and embodies mental functioning, indicating abnormalities in the microbiota-gut-brain axis as the physical-biological cause of mental disorders. The recognition of microbiota, beyond the sensorimotor approach, as an integral part of the physical body seems justified. In his groundbreaking work from 1998 Gershon described the guts with a term ‘the second brain’. Disorders of the intestinal bacterial flora may be related to mental health, including anxiety and depression. Microorganisms inhabiting the guts, through communication pathways between them and the brain, can modulate mood, host's stress response and cognitive functions. Today's understanding of embodied cognition is largely based on sensorimotor cognition theories of perception. The inclusion of microbiota in information processing mechanisms performed by cognitive architectures can contribute to an interesting interdisciplinary discussion involving cognitive scientists, philosophers, psychologists, biologists and doctors. I intend to use the achievements of microbiology in an attempt to extend theories of the nature of embodied cognition with the modulating influence of the ‘second brain’.
Intentions and conventions in linguistic communication. A non-Gricean programme in the philosophy of language and cognitive science
Investigator: Maciej Witek , Co-investigator: Mateusz Włodarczyk, Maja Kasjanowicz, Sara Kwiecień, Janina Mękarska , Grant: National Science Centre, Poland Grant No. 2015/19/B/HS1/03306
In this project, we examine the adequacy of the Gricean programme in the philosophy of language and cognitive science and, next, develop an alternative, Austinian framework based on the idea that using language is a social practice that consists of performing conventional speech acts: acts done conforming to a convention. After a critical discussion of the Gricean approach, we elaborate on the Austinian ideas to be found in the philosophical literature and use them to account for (i) the variety and constitution of linguistic meaning, (ii) the structure and content of communicative acts, (iii) the mechanisms and cognitive underpinnings of verbal communication, and (iv) the evolutionary and developmental emergence of linguistic and communicative skills. We use the Austinian framework to account for a number of discursive phenomena such as accommodation, presuppositions, irony, presumptions, demonstrative reference, as well as for the evolutionary emergence of illocutionary interaction. To find out more, please visit the project page.
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The Paraphrase Method and Ontological Disputes. The Analysis of Carnap’s, Ajdukiewicz’s and Quine’s Views
Investigator: Artur Kosecki , Grant: National Science Centre, Poland Grant No. 2016/21/N/HS1/03492
The aim of this project is to reconstruct the selected applications of paraphrases. Their usage will be analyzed on the basis of Carnap’s, Ajdukiewicz’s and Quine’s philosophy. The first one treated paraphrase as a means to indicate the verbal nature of ontology while the other two philosophers - to show substantive ontological problems. Another goal of this project is to analyze implicit premises of the following philosophical programs: Carnap’s idea of philosophy as the analysis of syntax and conceptual schemes, Ajdukiewicz’s semantic epistemology and Quine’s naturalized philosophy. This research will enable us to systematize views on paraphrase and present differences and similarities between its various applications. As a result, it will be possible to answer the question of what kind of analysis a paraphrase is: decompositional, regressive or transformative.