Call for papers Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2022

Call for papers for a thematic session “Normative and Cognitive Perspectives on Speech Acts” of an international conference Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2022 22-24 September 2022, Szczecin, Poland

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 20th May 2022. 

The Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (PCLA) and the University of Szczecin are organizing an international conference Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2022, which will take place from 22nd until 24th September 2022 in Szczecin, Poland. One of the invited speakers will be Professor Mitchell S. Green (University of Connecticut), who will give a plenary lecture entitled “Speech-Act Norms and Cultural Evolution”. We would like to take this opportunity to organize a thematic session “Normative and Cognitive Perspectives on Speech Acts” as one of the parallel sessions of the conference.

Speech acts can be studied from two main perspectives. According to the first one, speech acts are context-changing social actions which are governed by norms and have normative effects. Some scholars argue, for instance, that assertions are subject to the norm of sincerity, according to which one should assert only what one believes, and take effect by committing speakers to the truth of what they say. According to the other approach, speech acts are best understood as intentional actions whose performance requires the exercise of certain cognitive skills and affects the cognitive situation of the conversing agents. Our contention is that these two perspectives can be viewed as complementary rather than competitive. We are interested in bringing them together in order to better understand the social and the psychological mechanisms underlying verbal interaction as well as the interplay between the normative and cognitive aspects of linguistic practice.

In particular, we welcome submissions on the following topics:

  • varieties of speech-act norms, rules, and standards;
  • speech-act norms and their possible functions: constitutive, prescriptive, facilitating, etc.;
  • the origins of speech-act rules and the source of their normative force;
  • empirical studies on speech-act norms and their functions;
  • the cultural evolution of speech-act norms;
  • speech-act mechanisms underlying the production of normative facts;
  • Austinian exercitives, conversational exercitives, and other norm-producing acts;
  • expressing cognitive and affective states in speech acts;
  • testimony and evidentiality in speech acts;
  • cognitive mechanisms underlying illocutionary communication;
  • the impact of illocutionary interaction on the development of cognitive skills.

Other themes relating to normative and cognitive aspects of speech acts will also be considered.


Mateusz Włodarczyk,

Conference fee:

  •  for participants from Poland: 550 PLN,
  • for participants from other countries: 135 Euro.

The fee covers the cost of participation, coffee breaks, and a conference dinner.

Important Dates

  • Submission of abstracts: 31st March 30th April 20th May 2022 (deadline extended),
  • Notification of acceptance: 20th June 2022.

Please submit your abstract through the submission system available at Please also notify Mateusz Włodarczyk that your abstract is intended for the session “Normative and Cognitive Perspectives on Speech Acts”.