
I am a philosopher specializing in pragmatics and the philosophy of language. My research centers on adopting the Austinian framework to explore phenomena such as accommodation, irony, linguistic underdeterminacy, presuppositions, and meaning negotiation. My current research interests include an eliminativist perspective in metasemantics, as well as varieties of non-overt speech, including insinuation, strictly covert acts, and 'sneaky' presuppositions.
Academic Staff

Marta Wąsik is Faculty Member at the Institute of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Szczecin, holding a PhD in Health Sciences (Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin). Her research interests encompass aspects of neurolinguistics, with a particular focus on language impairments in neurodegenerative diseases and clinical pragmatics. Her current work investigates the role of pragmatic competence and cognitive flexibility in the comprehension of irony in Alzheimer-type dementia.

I am a philosopher interested in social & political philosophy, feminist philosophy and philosophy of language (with special focus on relationship between the linguistic, moral and political spheres). In my current research I focus on the relationship between mechanisms of exclusion, objectification and silencing and political representation and power.

I am a faculty member at the Institute of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, University of Szczecin, with an interdisciplinary foundation in Society-Environment-Technology studies and a PhD in Philosophy from Jagiellonian University (2023). My research centers on music cognition, the philosophy of cognitive science, and mental representation. Currently, I am developing a teleosemantic framework for understanding musical representation.

I am a philosopher interested in the early history of analytic philosophy. Within this field, my focus is on the relationship between the Lvov-Warsaw school, Anglo-American philosophy, and the Vienna Circle. My research also emphasizes the 1930s—a period when philosophers in the UK began identifying themselves as "analytic philosophers." Additionally, I follow current trends in analytic philosophy, particularly discussions in conceptual engineering, social ontology, and contemporary debates on panpsychism in the metaphysics of mind.

An assistant professor at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, Poland. Her interests include philosophy of mind, cognitive science, philosophy of psychology, and especially the problem of perception, consciousness, and animal cognition. She is the author of a book Biological Externalism in the Theories of Perception, published in Polish in 2014. She is currently working on a new book on animal learning theories.

Dr Barbara Wąsikowska is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the University of Szczecin. She specializes in methods of Artificial Intelligence and cognitive neuroscience. She has published articles in Selected Issues of Experimental Economics, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Business Informatics: Concepts and Applications, Studia Informatica, Selected Issues of Data Analysis. Her foregoing research, that resulted in over 50 publications, concentrated mainly on applications of artificial intelligence (especially the rough set theory) and methods of cognitive neuroscience in behavioral economics.

Dr Agata Wawrzyniak is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the University of Szczecin. Her main areas of research are multi-agent simulation in modeling of socio-economic systems, digital marketing, application of cognitive neuroscience techniques in marketing communication and artificial intelligence in economics. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers and chapters in monographs. Currently she is working on consumer behaviour investigation with the use of multi-agent modeling and simulation.
PhD Candidates

Franciszek M. Świergiel has a background in cultural and literary studies, as well as cognitive science, focusing primarily on textual and visual communication within cultural contexts. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Szczecin's Doctoral School, where he concentrates on pragmatic theories and methods of information transmission, as considered through the lense of a primarily philosophical approach.

Janina Mękarska holds a master's degree from the Interdisciplinary Advanced Studies program, where she specialized in cognitive communication (dissertation subject: The Role of Empathy in the Interpretation of Ironic Statements) and sociology (dissertation subject: Mental Health Norms: The Utility of Traits Recognized as Distinctive for Psychopathy in the Labor Market). She is pursuing her PhD at the Doctoral School of the University of Szczecin. She is focusing on her dissertation titled Bias in the Study of Cognitive Processes in Non-Human Animals, Using Theory of Mind as a Case Study. Her primary research interests center on cognitive mechanisms in social cognition, especially those that influence how attitudes are adopted, maintained, and changed.
Associate Members

An Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. She specializes in cognitive science and psychoacoustics of tinnitus for sound therapies. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals like Frontiers in Psychology, Archives of Acoustics or Science of The Total Environment, and Language Sciences. Her interests include auditory perception, audio-visual interaction, tinnitus, neuroimaging (EEG) and virtual reality (VR).